San Lorenzo Creek Fish Passage Resting Pools

This project will identify pool shapes and dimensions along the concrete-channel portion of San Lorenzo
Creek below Foothill Blvd. that provide sufficient resting habitat for steelhead trout migrating upstream.
The project will build on findings presented in the recently completed feasibility report, "Proving
Steelhead Passage through Lower San Lorenzo Creek" (December 1, 2003). 

Project Team
The project team will consist of DHI, Inc. and Michael Love &
Associates (subcontractor). The products of this project will be directly
incorporated into other ongoing projects relating to this segment of the creek.
Therefore, the project team will closely coordinate with the Alameda County
Flood Control and Water Conservation District and its consultants
responsible for evaluating other hydrologic aspects of this segment.

Available Funding: $51,690

Dates: March - July 2005

Emmanuel da Costa
Alameda County Flood Control & 
Water Conservation District
951 Turner Court, Room 300
Hayward, CA 94545
Tel: 510.670.6479
Fax: 510.670.5262