Friends of San Lorenzo Creek

Planning and Regulation

Planning Authority - San Lorenzo Creek Watershed

Alameda County — Most of San Lorenzo Creek and its tributaries are in the unincorporated jurisdiction of the county, where the county's land use policies and ordinances apply. The county's general plan includes:

  • Conservation Element (1976)
  • Castro Valley General Plan (1985; revision pending)
  • Eden Area General Plan (pending adoption)
  • Fairview Area Specific Plan (1997)
  • General Plan for the Central Metropolitan, Eden, and Washington Planning Units (1981)
  • Specific Plan for Areas of Environmental Significance (1976)
City of Hayward — A major segment of San Lorenzo Creek courses through the City of Hayward, where the land use policies and ordinances of the city apply. The municipal code does not address creek protection, only regulation of construction alongside creeks (see Chapter 9: Building Along Watercourses).

City of San Leandro — The mouth of San Lorenzo Creek at San Francisco Bay is within the City of San Leandro, where the land use policies and ordinances of the city apply.

County Regulation

General Ordinances

Alameda County Clean Water Program — covers the San Lorenzo Creek watershed.

Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District — zone 2 is the San Lorenzo Creek watershed.

Regional, State, National Regulation

California Streambed Alteration Program — the state's Department of Fish and Game regulates activity in creeks.

S.F. Bay Area Regional Water Quality Control Board — The board implements state laws and regulations concerning water quality and stormwater runoff. Permits from the board are required for any land development that impacts creeks.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - San Francisco District — The Corps must approve plans to cover or alter a creek. See Corps Permits.

U.S. and California Laws

General Information

Berkeley Creek Task Force — an outstanding comprehensive process examining creek regulation in the City of Berkeley (2004 - 2006).

Riparian Buffers

[Updated December 18, 2009]