Friends of San Lorenzo Creek |
New Flood Insurance Rate Map (March 14, 2008) The Federal Emergency Management Agency announced on March 14, 2008 that it has issued a revised preliminary Flood Insurance Study and Flood Insurance Rate Map for portions of the San Lorenzo Creek watershed. The new map reflects new or modified "base flood elevations" for flooding with a one percent annual chance. The base flood elevations are the basis for floodplain management measures that the Alameda County Flood Control District must implement to remain qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program. (See Alameda County Flood Control District - San Lorenzo Creek Watershed.) The preliminary Flood Insurance Study and the revised Flood Insurance Rate Map showing the proposed and proposed modified BFEs can be viewed at the Alameda County Public Works Agency, 399 Elmhurst Street, Hayward. See John Rogers in the Permit Center on the ground floor. Affected residents can appeal the proposed floodplain elevations between March 21 and June 18. Comments on the modified base flood elevations and appeals should be addressed to Mr. Scott Haggerty, President of the Alameda County Board of Supervisors, 1221 Oak Street, Room 536, Oakland, CA 94612. Public meetings on the new maps will be held as follows:
For additional information contact the Alameda County Flood Control District at 670-5598 or Also see the National Flood Insurance Program website or call the FEMA Map Assistance Center toll free at 877.336.2627. San Lorenzo Creek Watershed Task Force The task force began regular meetings in August 2007. It meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 7 pm. The 15-member task force was appointed by the county board of supervisors to propose policy, guidelines, ordinances related to rehabilitation and restoration of creeks in the San Lorenzo Creek watershed, flood control, stormwater runoff, and related issues. Meetings are public (see San Lorenzo Express Calendar for meeting announcements). For more information call Sharon Gosselin (670-6547), Public Works Agency, or Liz McElligott, county planning department (670-5400). See Creek Task Force.
Majority Favor East Bay Park District Bonds If Creek Restoration Is High Priority (June 23, 2008) More than two-thirds of Contra Costa and Alameda County voters support a proposed $500 million regional park bond measure if the ballot language is written to list creek restoration first among its many purposes. Read more. County Explores New Tax to Monitor Stormwater Runoff (Nov. 10, 2007) Alameda County may form a "community facility district" to raise funds for regular inspection of stormwater treatment facilities at residences in the San Lorenzo Creek watershed. Read more. Portion of Castro Valley Creek to Be Daylighted (Aug. 2, 2007) Starting next spring a 900-foot section of Castro Valley Creek between Norbridge Avenue and Castro Valley Boulevard will be transformed. Read more. Developer to Fund San Lorenzo Creek Watershed Projects (May 29, 2007) Alameda County's efforts to study, protect, and improve the San Lorenzo Creek watershed just got a financial boost. Read more. Engineers are Recalculating San Lorenzo Creek Overflow Risk (May 11, 2007) Engineers from the Federal Emergency Management Agency met with Alameda County Public Works counterparts Wednesday to share their newest mapping of flooding from San Lorenzo Creek. Read more.